Guided by Gratitude

Nurturing Strength and Purpose as a care experienced person

Being a care leaver myself, working with care leavers locally and globally, has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. The programs I have been engaged with over the last one year as a young social work professional, are designed for empowering and enabling independent living by these young people, ones like me who have aged out of the child care system.  They offer opportunities and hope, facilitating  youth to truly unlock their potential and build their futures.

 My journey so far as a social work professional working with my own peers has shown me both the depth of their gratitude and the different ways they experience and express it.

 Support programs for care leavers offer much more than mere immediate help. They provide tools for growth—through workshops, training, and mentorship—that build skills, confidence, and lasting connections. I've seen incredible changes take place: young people who once felt lost now are able to find their direction with newfound purpose, those who once did not have anyone to speak to now have their own networks and friends in whom they have found their families. I still remember how I was moved to tears when one care leaver told me, “The support I am receiving is a gift of opportunities, and I am deeply grateful for these chances.”

For many, these support programs are  just services, but for others these support programs are gateways to new possibilities and hope. I have watched individuals enter these support programs eager to improve their lives and leave with skills and a sense of self-worth. Their progress is a powerful sign of the support they receive and an indicator that many more such programs are needed so that no care leaver is left behind.

Different Views on Gratitude

One of the most striking things I've noticed is how differently care leavers perceive gratitude. Some respond to even small gestures with great appreciation. They show their gratitude not only through words but also through their actions, making the most of every opportunity. Their thankfulness is both moving and inspiring. They see each chance as a step towards their goals, and their gratitude reflects this awareness. They recognize that these opportunities are about more than just meeting needs; they are about building a better future.

However, not all care leavers see support in the same way. Some have a strong sense of only entitlement without any responsibility. . They participate in programs and complete their trainings but may not inculcate values such as  gratitude. This perspective might stem from a lifetime experience of struggling for basic needs and lack of trust thereby making it hard for them to appreciate what others might take for granted. In such situations, I feel, the only solution is to keep trying.

The Impact of Gratitude

Gratitude is powerful. It not only enriches the lives of those who express it but also strengthens relationships. When care leavers show appreciation, it creates a positive cycle. Supporters and mentors feel valued and are more motivated to continue their work, leading to even better support for the care leavers. This mutual appreciation builds a stronger community and fosters a sense of belonging.

Gratitude also helps care leavers develop a positive outlook. It shifts their focus from what they lack to what they have, empowering them to fully embrace the opportunities available to them. Recognizing and appreciating support can enhance their ability to reach for success and build a fulfilling future.

I've learned that while providing support is essential, helping care leavers recognize its value is just as important. We need to create an environment where gratitude is encouraged but not forced. Care leavers should understand that while they have a right to support, expressing gratitude acknowledges the efforts of those who help them.

It's also crucial to respect the different experiences and perspectives of care leavers. Not everyone will show gratitude in the same way, and that's okay. What matters is that we continue to provide the support they need while helping them see the value in what they’re receiving.

Reflections and Moving Forward My work with care leavers has been a journey of learning and growth. I've seen the transformative power of gratitude and its impact on both individuals and communities. Yet, I also understand the complexities behind how care leavers perceive and respond to support.

Ultimately, the success of any initiative for care leavers is not just about the skills taught or the opportunities provided. It’s about the lasting impact on their lives. By building strong relationships and fostering a genuine sense of gratitude and community, we can help care leavers appreciate their support while respecting their unique experiences.

In the end, creating a culture of gratitude—one that acknowledges both the support we receive and the efforts of those who provide it—is key to empowering care leavers to thrive and build a future they can be proud




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